As known by her stage name Bianca Belair, she is a WWE superstar who came to the limelight in April 2016 when she joined WWE wrestling and since then she has become one of the most respected and loved wrestlers having won multiple prizes.

Since making her debut in 2016 she has become one of the most complete in terms of gaining prizes and it is evident that she is so talented and the strongest compared to others, making her loved and gaining followers day after day.

In the fashion industry, she has made a great impact and this has won the hearts of many. She always comes out with stunning and versatile looks that are adorable and eye-catching.

Both on and off the ring she is always adorable and very stylist as she always looks beautiful with her taste in fashion becoming most loved among other wrestlers in terms of fashion.

Most WWE performers leave gear making to professions but it is always the work of Bianca to make her gear to where for her performance which is very surprising. Here are some of the stunning looks of Bianca and her taste in fashion both on the ring and off the ring;

 1. Stunning Bianca’s Crown Jewel Ring Gear

Stunning Bianca’s Crown Jewel Ring Gear

In November 2022 Bianca defended her RAW Women’s Championship against Bayley in a brutal Last Woman Standing Match. Before the Crown Jewel match she had revealed that the gear she wore during the show was made on the road while on her way to the ring, to present a new challenge for herself.

Also, read on:

2. Bianca Belair And Long Braid Hair

Many of her fans have been asking if Bianca’s hair is real for a while and she came to the limelight and revealed that her hair was purely real.

Bianca Belair And Long Braid Hair

She is well known and quickly identified by her hair even to the little-known people they can reveal her.

Her hair measures 5 feet and 7 inches long and she even uses it as a weapon when on ring. It helps her a lot. In fashion, the hair looks nice to her and it is admirable even to myself I admire it so much.

3. Bianca Belair The Lips On Her Ring Gears 

Belair is always looking to make a splash.

Bianca Belair The Lips On Her Ring Gears

The lips are a sign and symbolize that fans associate with her, and almost all the gear that she wears during matches have a lip sign and this grows her fanbase. 

But, it isn’t just her matches when she puts her lips on her clothes, It shows that Belair knows her audience, and continuing to push this helps her get the logo over even more. This also helps in marketing her brands to her audiences and fans.

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By Kevin

I write about fashion in different ways, like making interesting articles and doing academic writing. I love to travel and get inspired by different cultures. Besides writing, I also focus on staying fit at the gym, aiming to share exciting fashion stories and insights with you.

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